1. Prepare your workspace. Cover your work area with a plastic table cover or garbage bags to protect it from dye splatters. Make sure it's well-ventilated.
2. Gather your materials: Ensure you have all your materials ready and easily accessible.
3. Wash the T-shirt: Wash the white T-shirt without using fabric softener to remove any sizing or dirt. Leave it damp or slightly wet but not soaking.
4. Prepare your dyes: Mix your fabric dye according to the manufacturer's instructions. Pour the dye into plastic squeeze bottles, one for each color you plan to use. Shake or stir the dye thoroughly to ensure it's well-mixed.
5. Fold and bind the T-shirt: There are various tie-dye patterns you can create. Here's a simple method: Lay the damp T-shirt flat on your work surface. Pinch the center of the shirt and lift it up. Use your fingers to twist the shirt into a spiral shape. Secure the twisted T-shirt with several rubber bands, creating a pie-shaped pattern.
6. Apply the dye: Put on plastic gloves to protect your hands. Use the squeeze bottles to apply the different colors of dye to the sections of the T-shirt created by the rubber bands. Be as creative as you like with the colors and patterns. Make sure the dye penetrates both sides of the fabric.
7. Wrap the T-shirt: After applying the dye, carefully place the dyed T-shirt in a plastic bag or wrap. it in plastic wrap. This will help keep the shirt damp and prevent colors from bleeding into each other.
8. Let it set: Allow the wrapped T-shirt to sit for at least 6-8 hours, or as directed by the dye manufacturer. The longer it sits, the more vibrant the colors will be.
9. Rinse and wash: Unwrap the T-shirt and rinse it under cold running water until the water runs clear. Remove the rubber bands and continue rinsing. Then, wash the T-shirt separately in cold water with a small amount of mild detergent. Rinse it again until the water runs clear.
10. Dry your tie-dye T-shirt: Once the T-shirt is rinsed and washed, hang it up or lay it flat to dry. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can cause the colors to fade. Once dry, your tie-dye T-shirt is ready to wear!